Jan 18, 2024
Wellness expert Heather Grzych discusses what a vision board is, how it works, how to make one to create a powerful transformation in your life. Vision boards help the conscious mind observe subconscious desires, which leads to deeper self-realization. You’ll learn how to avoid the common pitfalls involving vision boards when you’re looking to manifest change in your life, health, career or relationships. She addresses the idea of fate vs free will, and stresses the importance of manifesting through striking a balance between making goals and making the unknown known.
Heather Grzych is the author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility and the host of the Wisdom of the Body podcast. An Ayurvedic Doctor-level certified professional, Heather serves on the Board of Directors for the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and has been a consultant for doctors, governments, and health plans. She offers virtual consultations and programs worldwide. www.heathergrzych.com
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This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only.